The Claunch-Pinto Soil and Water Conservation District was organized on September 17, 1941. That day the District was issued a Certificate of Organization from the State of New Mexico signed by the Secretary of State, Mrs. Jessie M. Gonzales. Part of the West Torrance District was consolidated with the Claunch-Pinto District in 1967.
The District consists of 1,291,779 acres located approximately in the center of New Mexico. The District encompasses the southern part of Torrance County, the northeastern part of Socorro County, the northwestern part of Lincoln County, and the southern tip of Valencia County. Towns and villages located in the District are Abo, Claunch, Corona, Manzano, Mountainair and Punta de Agua. Mountainair is the largest municipality with approximately twelve hundred people.
The goal of the District is to promote use of conservation practices and resource management methods to enhance watershed health and productivity. Conservation practices may include brush management, fencing, or water development, range seedings and water diversions. Resource management techniques may include planned grazing systems, and/or proper grazing use.
Topography in the District is diverse. High mountainous areas include the Gallinas and Manzano Mountains. The areas around Gran Quivira, south of Mountainair, and Corona are composed of rough foothills. The remainder of the District is gently rolling hills, mesas, and grasslands.

The District is composed of 88% private and State land. The remaining 12% is land administered by the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and US Park Service.
A board of five elected and two appointed officials governs the District. Elections are held in September at the annual meeting. The term of office for elected officials is three years and appointed officials are appointed on an annual basis.
Funding for District operations is obtained from four sources:
- State of New Mexico budget appropriation
- County mill levy taxation in portions of Socorro, Lincoln, and Torrance Counties
- County budget appropriation
- Grants

Claunch-Pinto SWCD headquarters, Mountainair
The District maintains an active membership and/or liaison with the following organizations. (Titles in blue will link to that organization’s website.)
- New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT)
- New Mexico State Forestry Division
- New Mexico State Land Office
- New Mexico Department of Game & Fish
- BLM New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Farm Services
- NM Soil & Water Conservation Bureau
- HUB Resource Conservation and Development
- South Central Mountain Resource Conservation & Development Council
- Torrance County
- NM Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- NMSU: Cooperative Extension Service
- National Association of Conservation Districts
- New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association | Albuquerque, NM 87194
- New Mexico Farm Bureau
- New Mexico Cow Belles
- State and Federal Legislature
- County Assessors
- Ag Committees
- Public School System
- Town of Mountainair
- Village of Corona
- US Forest Service