The Abo Arroyo Watershed Project, which involved remediating a watershed that had been overrun by saltcedar and other invasive species, was planned to meet the paramerters of the New Mexico Non-Native Phreatophyte/Watershed Management Plan. Abo Arroyo is one of the few watersheds in which the seed source (Gyp Spring) has been identified and treated. It is designated as a special emphasis watershed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Field operations were initiated in 2005, with the following annual progress:
- 2005 - 95.94 acres of aerial application
- 2006 - 96.72 acres of aerial application
- 2007 - 62 acres of cut stump (USFS fire crew) and 292 acres (7.5 miles of project area) of mechanical extraction.
Thus far, 4,000 tons of biomass from the project has been provided to private contractors for stabilization projects. 2,400 willow whips were planted in April and May of 2007, and 2,220 native grass plants were planted in August 2007 in conjunction with the New Mexico state Forestry Inmate Work Crew. Five monitoring sites are in place, with some showing up to 25% increase in water flow. A riparian restoration workshop with the USDA Plant Material Center is planned for December 2007.

Representative Area Before Treatment

Representative Area After Treatment